Technology & HR Consulting

About Us

Philosophy & Approach

At Cosibello, our core mission is to forge a lasting partnership with you. This commitment is reflected in the personalized services we offer, designed not only to propel your company forward, but elevate your employees too.

Our approach is to tailor offerings to precisely match your unique requirements, ensuring a journey with us is fully aligned with your aspirations. Our team is dedicated to being an important part of your success story, assisting you in achieving your goals with no limits on what we can accomplish together.

Our Philosophy & Approach

Our Story

Our consultancy team comprises executive-level professionals with extensive experience in the Laboratory Industry. We are committed to delivering high-quality services that positively affect your bottom line. Our dedication to excellence drives us to work diligently, aiming to create a significant impact on your business.
Will You Be Left Behind?

The Healthcare Industry is moving at a RAPID pace and most companies are falling behind…

  • What you MUST do to keep up with a growing industry
  • How to keep your employees happy
  • How to prepare yourself for the all-scary audits
  • The single most important part of executing IT strategies to correction

Unhappy employees, strategies falling through left and right, lost in your own technology.  Just a few of the common challenges companies like yours face in the healthcare space.  Just when you think it can’t get any worse, one of your employees breaks his arm.

In an industry where the giants continue to dominate and move forward, population’s rising and small to medium companies are moving farther from their goals, you need to be well prepared for the future of your company.

Maybe it’s the systems, the people, the culture, or life.  The answer may be unclear, but one thing is certain – something needs to change.  The goals you have set, the deadlines you have to meet, and the challenges that are preventing you from getting there seem endless.

What works for one company doesn’t seem to work for yours.  You follow the plans, procedures, guidelines and STILL can’t catch up.  Just when you solve one issue, another arrives with 7 more waiting around the corner.  When does it end?  Is it all darkness from here?

It doesn’t have to be.  How come you can’t see it?  Why isn’t it here yet?  How long will it take?  Common questions, not so easy answers… That is from the inside looking out.  You need an outside perspective.  Someone with the expertise and experience that is outside of your “box” that can CLEARLY see the answers to your problems.

But, how do you get someone from the outside looking in?  Someone with the expertise, experience, and all around know-how to correctly pave the way?

Your Biggest Challenge

The biggest challenge companies face with HR, employees, IT, etc. is the lack of expertise needed to correctly execute on their plans to achieve their goals. You’re not at fault for that. It’s a very confusing world and with so much to do, one can easily get swarmed with multiple tasks even while having a team to support them. Not to mention, hiring someone with the needed experience is not easy. It requires time, effort, sacrifice, and most importantly… MONEY. Money being the most important because small to medium companies, like yours, tend to not have a big budget. While hiring someone that will lead your company to your goals, the price that comes with them is very hefty.

HOWEVER, a problem that consistently appears with companies that need answers to multiple problems or one big problem is picking the right person or organization within budget to lead the way.

As mentioned earlier, if you find someone with the experience and skill set, they come with a very large price tag. If you find someone with a low price tag, they don’t have the experience or skill set to get tangible results (aka achieve your goals).

Your Best Route

Then there comes the option of healthcare consulting. While consulting is usually the best route, it’s difficult to pick the right healthcare consultant. How can you be sure to get your money’s worth AND stay on budget?

You see, there are 2 main issues with big consulting companies: money and care. The big consulting companies have the expertise and experience, but they lack the 2 most important aspects. They don’t actually care about the results they get you so they don’t actually tailor solutions to YOUR needs. It’s the same solutions they’re using with the 100 other companies they are working with.

“So, you’re telling me that hiring a consulting company with a good track record and doesn’t have many negative reviews is a bad idea?” Yes and no. Big consulting companies can definitely improve your company (and they’re expected to which is why they get paid). However, you will not only be spending a fortune, but they don’t give you the best solutions!

Let’s say you have 3 major problems that stem from HR, IT, and Technology. The big consulting companies will take all the money you can possibly throw at them, slightly improve them with strategies that 99 other companies have just implemented and then be on their way. Do you really expect someone who is getting paid the same no matter how good a job they do to actually care for your company?

You just spent your entire budget to be like EVERYONE ELSE and have little to show for. Is that truly what you want? Don’t you want the very best for your company? Why wouldn’t you want solutions that are within budget AND unique to you and you only? Don’t you want solutions to your problems AND have someone who’s vested interest is making sure you succeed?

Helping Your Company

Positioning you at the top of your market is the goal. The areas you lack in, will be rounded out and plans will be developed to improve your company’s bottom line. The services and plans our team inputs will shift your flaws to strengths giving you the tools necessary to succeed.

How does coming in with the same strategies and tactics everyone else is doing help you? It doesn’t. Our team knows that your company and organization has different obstacles and challenges than other companies and competitors. Everything is tailored to you, for you.

Your problems become our problems and before you know it, they aren’t a problem. From System Implementation to HR to Fractional Expert CXO’s, your company will be guided to your goals.

Because our team is dedicated to achieving your goals, we only take on a select few companies at a time. By clicking the Contact Us button, our team will reach out and schedule a consultation to take a look at your company and the challenges you are facing for free.

If our team is booked, we will let you know and then reach out to you as soon as a spot opens up.